Suno ai Metatags - Collection


  • [announcer] - Used to indicate a section where an announcer is speaking.
  • [applause] - Indicates the presence of applause in the background.
  • [audience laughing] - Signals that the audience is laughing, useful for live performances or shows.
  • [barking] - Use this tag when you want to include the sound of a dog barking.
  • [beeping] - To add a beeping sound, like an alarm or notification.
  • [bell dings] - Signifies the sound of a bell dinging.
  • [birds chirping] - To incorporate the ambiance of birds chirping.
  • [bleep] - Indicates a bleep sound, often used to censor words.
  • [boy] - Use this tag to specify content delivered by or related to a boy.
  • [censored] - Marks content that is censored.
  • [cheering] - To include the sound of a crowd cheering.
  • [cheers and applause] - Indicates both cheers and applause from an audience.
  • [chuckles] - Signifies chuckling sound.
  • [clapping] - To add the sound of clapping.
  • [clears throat] - Used when someone is clearing their throat.
  • [cough] - Indicates a coughing sound.
  • [female narrator] - Specifies content narrated by a female.
  • [female] - Use this tag for content delivered by or related to a female.
  • [fighting] - To include sounds or references to fighting.
  • [giggles] - Signifies giggling sounds.
  • [giggling] - Another tag for giggling sounds, perhaps in a different context or intensity.
  • [girl] - Use this tag to specify content delivered by or related to a girl.
  • [groaning] - To add a groaning sound.
  • [man] - Use this tag for content delivered by or related to a man.
  • [phone ringing] - Indicates the sound of a phone ringing.
  • [reporter] - Specifies content delivered by a reporter.
  • [ringing] - To add a generic ringing sound.
  • [screams] - Signifies screaming sounds.
  • [sighs] - Used to include a sighing sound.
  • [silence] - Indicates a moment of silence.
  • [squawking] - To add the sound of squawking, like a bird or an alarm.
  • [upbeat music] - Use this tag to indicate a section with upbeat music.
  • [whispers] - Signifies whispering sounds.
  • [whistling] - To include a whistling sound.
  • [woman] - Use this tag for content delivered by or related to a woman.


  • [Chorus] - Indicates the part of the song meant to be the chorus.
  • [Intro] - Marks the introduction section of a track.
  • [Outro] - Signifies the outro or closing section of the music piece.
  • [Verse] - Used to denote the verse part of a song.
  • [Acoustic] - Points to an acoustic style of music.
  • [African] - Tags the music with African influences or origins.
  • [Alternative metal] - Identifies the song as belonging to the alternative metal genre.
  • [Alternative pop] - Marks the song as alternative pop in style.
  • [Ambient] - For music that has an ambient, atmospheric feel.
  • [Atlanta rap] - Denotes rap music that originates from or is styled after Atlanta's rap scene.
  • [Ballad] - Marks the piece as a ballad, often slow and emotive.
  • [Baroque] - Indicates music influenced by or made in the Baroque style.
  • [Blues] - Tags the music as belonging to the blues genre.
  • [Boom bap] - Signifies a style of hip-hop that includes hard-hitting beats, often known as Boom bap.
  • [Cello] - For pieces that feature the cello.
  • [Chill] - Tags music that has a relaxed, chill vibe.
  • [Christian & Gospel] - Indicates the music belongs to the Christian & Gospel genres.
  • [Christmas] - For music that fits the Christmas holiday theme.
  • [Country & Americana] - Marks the music as part of the country or Americana genres.
  • [Dance & Electronic] - For music that falls under dance or electronic categories.
  • [Drums] - Indicates a focus on or significant use of drums.
  • [EDM] - Tags the track as Electronic Dance Music.
  • [Girl group] - To denote music by or in the style of a girl group.
  • [Gospel] - Marks the piece as gospel music.
  • [Hardcore rap] - Indicates a hardcore rap style.
  • [Heavy metal] - For music in the heavy metal genre.
  • [Hip hop] - Tags the music as hip hop.
  • [Indie] - For music that is considered independent or indie in style.
  • [Indie rock] - Marks the track as indie rock.
  • [J-pop] - For music in the Japanese pop genre.
  • [Jazz] - Indicates jazz music.
  • [K-pop] - For Korean pop music.
  • [Lo-fi] - Tags the music with a lo-fi, understated quality.
  • [Orchestra] - Denotes an orchestral music style.
  • [Party] - For tracks that set a party mood or vibe.
  • [Piano] - Indicates significant use of the piano.
  • [Pop] - Tags the track as pop music.
  • [Pop-Rock] - For music that blends elements of pop and rock.
  • [Post-Hardcore] - Indicates a post-hardcore style in music.
  • [Punk Rock] - For music belonging to the punk rock genre.
  • [R&B] - Marks the piece as rhythm and blues.
  • [R&B & Soul] - Indicates a mix of R&B and soul music.
  • [Rap] - Tags the track as rap music.
  • [Reggae] - For music with reggae elements.
  • [Rock] - Indicates rock music.
  • [Romantic] - For music with a romantic theme or tone.
  • [Soul] - Marks the track as soul music.
  • [Synth] - Denotes a significant use of synthesizers.
  • [Synth pop] - For music in the synth-pop style.
  • [Techno] - Tags the music as techno.
  • [Uk] - Could indicate music from or influenced by the United Kingdom.

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